During these busy days leading up to the end of 2018, many of us are assessing our developments, counting our blessings and/or already projecting ourselves into the coming year and its goals.
At REDSCOPE we are finishing off the year with deep gratitude for all the great people, moments, challenges and accomplishments that were part of 2018 – in our team, working with our clients and engaging in multiple activities with our partners and communities, in Brussels and globally. Below, we share some of our best 2018 memories in the 1-minute video we created for you!
At the same time, we must share our concern for certain trends that defy the stability and democratic values we have taken for granted in the last few decades, in Europe and in other regions.
We therefore believe that each and every one of us needs to be(come) an engaged agent of positive transformation – in a way, each of us can become a leader in their own context, independent of formal roles or positions. And we remain confident and optimistic for the coming year, and in our human capacity to overcome difficulties.
The changing reality of our 21st Century is calling upon us to take part in co-creating our Collective Future, in the only way we can: by being POWERFULLY Human, including ALL Voices and Talents, and Connecting in Meaningful Ways.
Have a wonderful holiday season and break, and may 2019 be full of Positive Change – in your life, companies, institutions, countries, and multiple communities!
Click on the picture below to see our video!
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