On the 4th of December 2017, Claudia de Castro Caldeirinha and Corinna Hörst discussed their book ‘ Women Leading the Way in Brussels ‘ at the Directorate General for Human Resources and Security of the European Commission. Also present to the discussion was Monique Pariat, Director General of the Directorate-General Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (ECHO) and one of the interviewees of the book.
The discussion addressed important topics such as the obstacles of women in all stages of their career and what can be done to overcome these challenges, which were followed by practical advice given to the audience by both the authors of the book and Monique Pariat.
Notable questions that were addressed during the discussion were:
How can you be visible? What is my leadership style as a woman? How do we achieve gender equality in leadership?
We would like to extend our gratitude to Monique Pariat for fitting us in her busy schedule and sharing her knowledge and experiences with us. Thank you for being a role model and for empowering the next generation!