

RedScope inherits more than 15 years of activities of FAIRconsultancy in the areas of Leadership and Organisational Development, and a track record of successful collaboration with the European institutions, international organisations (UN, OECD, etc), private companies and non-profit organisations, both in Europe and globally.

Why do we have "Scope" in the name? Because we believe that, more than ever, in today's world – and Europe – leaders need to develop a clear vision and sense of purpose (a "scope"). Only in this way can they create meaning and sustainable engagement in their realities.

And why "Red"? Because for us this colour represents passion, drive and courage. And we believe that our organisations, our countries and our communities need passionate people/leaders with the resilience and resolution to face challenges, difficulties and risks while remaining motivated and focused on their vision/purpose.

Our mission is to help developing these leaders. The women and men who can lead their organisations with purpose, acumen, courage, determination and integrity; who courageously lead by example, towards strong collective commitments; who inspire others to become better than ever were - so all can become actors of positive change. Men and women leaders who care for their people, their organisations and the world they live in.

In today's unpredictable, complex and volatile context, organisations also need leaders who can take good and sustainable decisions in a very fast manner; people who can support and encourage their followers through change and transformation, maintaining an inclusive, strategic and positive mindset. These are the leaders who have a lasting impact in our realities – the so call transformational leaders. These committed leaders are those who can work hard without burning out or becoming toxic to their collaborators (and organisations) because they are fueled by a powerful vision.

Finally, for us leadership is not a position or a title, alone. It is action, influence and concrete example. Therefore, we work both with the managers/leaders who wish to leave their comfort zones to grow their talents and skills AND with the people without formal management titles but who are ready to have a transformational role in their realities/organisations.

at work

Our core team
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Claudia de Castro Caldeirinha

Founder & Executive Director
Senior leadership advisor, Speaker & Author, Certified Coach & Facilitator

Through my 20 years of professional experience in leadership and organizational development, I have been led by humanist values and by the goal of contributing to positive change in other people’s lives. My work aims at making healthier, more diverse and sustainable the organizations in which people work and the communities they belong to.

Pavlina Markopoulou

Communication Manager
Communications expert, Trainer & Certified Coach

Through my blend of Mediterranean, Belgian and Scandinavian cultures, I am a natural multi-cultural facilitator. Driven by the belief that everything is possible for women as for men, I am engaged in assisting professionals to develop themselves and handle their careers in complex environments.

Alazne Irigoien

Management & Business Development Assistant

I believe that a fairer and more diverse society is possible. For me, cultivating good leadership is a way to move towards that direction. I put my results-oriented mindset and my multi-disciplinary skills and academic qualifications at the service of this purpose – and that is why I work with Redscope!