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Women In Politics: Overcoming the Gender Gap

Statistics about the participation of elected women in decision making across Europe are not comforting. In 2019, only 31% of the Parliaments members in the EU countries were women. Moreover, women counted only for 15% of mayors and 29% of local councillors. This negative trend undermines the potential benefits that would come from a more equal sharing of power between women and men.

In the framework of the International Women’s Day, the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) and the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) are organising the event “Women in politics: overcoming the gender gap” that will take place on 5 March at the European Committee of the Regions. This event, moderated by Redscope’s Executive Director Claudia de Castro Caldeirinha, will gather CoR Members, Young Elected Politicians (YEPs), MEPs, Members of European associations and partners organisations working on the topic to reflect on the state of play and promote more women in politics at local and regional level.

This roundtable discussion counts with the participation of Apostolos Tzitzikostas, President of the European Committee of the Regions (tbc) and Evelyn Regner, chair of the European Parliament committee on women’s rights and gender equality (FEMM) (tbc) and will be focused on the topic of gender parity within the EU institutions. On this occasion, the Council of European Municipalities and Regions will present its latest study on women representation in politics and CoR members will share concrete examples of how they are working to advance equality on the ground.  #Power2Her #YoungLocalLeaders