REDSCOPE’s CEO, Claudia de Castro Caldeirinha visited the College of Europe in Bruges on the 8th of March- International Women Rights’ Day:
It was really inspiring to give a Masterclass on Gender Equality, Bias & Micro-aggressions and the Importance of Allyship to the motivated students from the Vogel-Polsky promotion. They were actively engaged and contributed to a challenging exchange. Moreover, it was really hopeful to see all of those young future leaders eager to learn about these topics and discover how they could tackle them. Not only young women attended this workshop, but also young men who were ready to become active allies in the fight for gender equality.
As it’s frequently the case, this session ended up being more than a Masterclass. It became a safe space where all were given room to express concrete situations, fears, doubts and questions. The students were given tips and tricks related to how to combat (unconscious) bias and how to identify micro-aggressions, which now they can use in their daily lives. It was a real pleasure to support them.
This event was organized by SAGE, the Student Association for Gender Equality of the College of Europe, that aims to stir progress over Gender Equality issues, focusing on encouraging reflection and group-wide emulation within the student community and with the administration. SAGE is doing great work and a very much needed one!
Finally, if you are interested in knowing more about how to become a young leader, check Claudia’s TEDx Talk: